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Heart2heart with Dev OM - Human Library

30 min
40 euros
Online Meetup

Service Description

I can share info the the guidance about Transformation Welcome to Co-Writer! When it comes to writing, a little help never hurts. And if that help happens to harness cutting-edge AI, all the better. Meet Co-Writer, your writing partner always at the ready. Want to give it a try? Play around with the example below to see what Co-Writer can do. Step 1. Get a grip on grammar Spelling can be chalenging. And grammar? So many rules! But youve got a co-writer. It double-checks your speling and grammar as you type, so your final content are mistake-free. Step 2. Rely on AI for suggestions When you're at a loss for words, the Suggest Text option comes in handy. To generate new text based on what you've already written, click "Suggest Text." Step 3: Perfect your turn of phrase To paraphrase content, select text and click "Paraphrase." You can use it to quickly generate new versions of text for various purposes. Simply enter text into the editor and choose a mode. Modes change how the content is  rephrased and range from the basic "standard" to ones like "fluency" or "creativity."

Contact Details


The Riverside, Junas Waddo, Mandrem, Goa, India

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